God's Masterpiece: The Beauty and the Best - Part 1
Today I would like to begin a series “God’s Masterpiece: The Beauty and the Best” (not Beast) and I hope you have the interest to read and follow my “Blessings for Today” so that you will have a better understanding of the context of what I am talking about. Here we go, series number One.
Have you ever thought of God as an artist? To be quite honest that notion has been taken for granted. I always thought of God as a Father, a Builder and an Architect, a Designer and other masculine ideas about God. But God can do all sorts of things if we talk about design, shapes, sizes, order of things, beauty, tones, colours etc. to produce a splendid outcome.
God has written His message to us in two books, the revelation of nature and the God-breathed Scriptures. The book by nature is not sufficient to know about Him. We may know the art of God by looking through His vast creation, but not the heart of God. I am simply saying that we may know the garden, but not the Gardener. So God sent us his eternal Son in the form of a human being so that we can know Him and by knowing Him we can have eternal life.
The story is recorded in a Book, we call the Bible. Just notice this one verse:
John1:18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."
In fact any names of God mentioned in the Bible reveal His character and what He does. This is His glory. When God created all the universe, He put them in its proper place which indicates there was, not only design but also orderliness of all things. Just like a florist who collects plants and flowers from different sources and beautifully arranges them in a vase. Then it looks beautiful!
So we might as well ask the questions: Before the creation of all things visible and invisible-what was going on within the circle of the Triune God? Why did they decide to make man-the crowning glory of His creation, I call this- ‘God’s Masterpiece: The Beauty and the Best.’
Let us go back to eternity’s past to see where it all began; and that includes the importance of our knowledge of Him. And how that knowledge of Him will affect every area of our lives. Our only reliable source and authority is God’s Word, the Bible.
Have you ever read the Bible? Read the Gospel of John, this is a good start. God will reveal Himself to you, because He loves you and gave His Son for you. The salvation He offers is free. All by grace and by grace alone through faith alone-in Christ alone. See you in the next series…