Jan 29, 2019
Rooted in Christ
Mango fruit (s) is so delicious. When I was a kid in Mindanao I loved it so much, so much that, sometimes I ‘stole’ the neighbour’s...

Jan 26, 2019
Let your light so shine before men
The Bible has many words to describe what a Christian is and what he does, in order to be a blessing to the world. The Christian is God’s...

Jan 15, 2019
Let God's will be done
Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” Psalm 90 also is a good reading. Maybe 5 or 6 years ago when I retired...

Jan 12, 2019
Honour your father and your mother
I HAVE A DREAM. Deuteronomy 5:16 “Honour your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be...

Jan 8, 2019
Do not fear for I am with you
Connected to my mother-in-law’s house is a granny flat. (small unit). That is where Annie and I used to live when we were newly married....

Jan 3, 2019
We are God's masterpiece
When one trusts Christ as Saviour and Lord, the process of moulding him into a beautiful human being begins. His broken relationship and...

Jan 1, 2019
Start your year 2019 right! be encouraged through God's Word
Greetings and a joyous New Year to you all. As I woke up this morning I thanked God for the past and am looking forward for the future. A...