All Things Work Together for Good

Through the years some students finishing school, particularly the year 12 students, have observed the goodness of God. No doubt, in the beginning it seemed difficult to face the challenges as students.
Some who believe in the existence of God and have a personal relationship with Christ have a higher level of reliance upon God’s control and guidance which has helped them to keep on going.
Maybe it was like the experience of Job who faced suffering and challenges in life, yet at the end the sovereignty of God was clearly seen. The end result was good with abundant blessings.
Christian student’s daily experiences help face challenges to see things in God’s perspective. Most of the time they don’t. They have many unanswered questions about life, subject topics and future career. Sometime they may approach a school counsellor for help or questions, but after ‘talking’ there are still some unanswered questions. No clear response to their questions. Frustrated? Of course! Human counsellors don’t have all the answers to life. To some degree they can help, but they are limited. Perhaps just like Job, at the early stage of his trials and sufferings- all He got from God and his friends was more silence or no response at all.
Yet during the difficult period of Job’s life, he saw startling glimpses of God and God’s work in his life beyond what he –perhaps anyone of us—had ever seen. What did his eye of faith see? Thousands of years before Jesus walked upon this earth - Job saw Jesus as God-Man- who would be his Redeemer, Friend, Guide, Mediator and Perfecter of his faith. He saw these beautiful images of Christ through suffering and tears. Job got to know God deeper, deeper, deeper in the midst of trials and suffering.
As a teacher of year 12 students for more than 25 years, I have witnessed the students’ joys, laughter, disappointments - ‘agony and ecstasy’- in their eyes—but as they flash back—I can say that all things work together for good because they loved God and He is in control from beginning to the end. I see some of my previous students in the Mall or around the city of Darwin, it gives me a lot of pleasure to see them succeed in their chosen careers. Some of those who were struggling in class are much happier and successful than others - in the areas of careers, trades, and professions. and relationships.
In the next few days, year 12 students will receive their exam results. Some will have tears of joy, some tears of frustration, others will just say ‘there are many paths to achieve my goal in life.’ The most important is a good attitude to life and service.
God is sovereign, the end result of Job’s faith was that he was healed, blessed abundantly, materially and spiritually, had more beautiful children. Here you are, as you receive your year 12 results-accept it as a blessing. You made it. The whole world is before you. Be courageous, God will always be with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. God is Good All the Time.