Dec 25, 2020
Joseph’s agony and joy.
The news Mary had given him had brought many responses, but none of them could be described as ‘joy”. He was deeply disturbed. He loved...

Dec 23, 2020
Joy to the world
Undergirding all the activities we see around us at this time, is the quiet confidence that God has indeed invaded our lives. Not only...

Dec 17, 2020
Covenant of Redemption
The covenant of Redemption. Some believe that when we discuss about the works of Christ the natural place to begin is with His birth....

Dec 9, 2020
The Incarnation
The Incarnation: Let us celebrate. God visited our world in various ways and different manifestations. Just to cite few examples: Gen....

Dec 1, 2020
Sovereign God
God is the giver and ender of life and He is sovereign in both. It seems that most would heartily agree that God is sovereign over the...