Dec 31, 2019
2020: Build our future for the Glory of God
Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”...

Dec 28, 2019
The full circle - Glory, Humiliation and back to Exaltation
After Paul gave us a short summary of his humiliation; he continues with these beautiful and powerful words, “Therefore God has highly...

Dec 18, 2019
Christ's Exaltation
Let us continue on Christ’s humiliation. We will look at His exaltation. Remember He was in glory, he had an exalted position. Then He...

Dec 15, 2019
Glory and Humiliation of Christ
I read it somewhere that the great philosopher Socrates was longing to see god (s) in human form. Whoever this god was - this was the...

Dec 13, 2019
Covenant of Redemption
A covenant is not really a strange word because we use it every day. It simply means a pact, an agreement or promise between two parties. ...

Dec 2, 2019
Simple Faith
Read Luke 2:8-20. Christmas season is here again. This reminds me of the shepherd’s hill we went to see in Bethlehem. There is a cave...