The Blessed Man part 2

Let us continue with Psalm 1. Separation from sin is brought about by three negative sentences here: He does not walk, does not stand, nor sits –in the counsel of the ungodly, path of sinners, seats of the scornful. He is the Blessed man described by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. He is a happy person. He is a man who reflects on the Lord in his walking, in his standing, and in his setting. In other words he thinks of God in every situation and circumstance. A story is told about a person who wants to meet the devil “Pastor I have been wanting to meet the devil for a long time, but I have never met him.” The Pastor looked at him and said: “You will never meet him” “Why Pastor?” he responded. Then the Pastor gave these rebuking words which he disliked, “Because you walk together with him all the time. That is why you will never meet him.”
A happy godly person finds delight in the Word of God. V.2. The words here are “the law of the Lord.” The “law” is not limited to the first 5 books of Moses or even to the OT as a whole. The Hebrew word “Torah” means “law” which signifies primarily, instructions that come from God. When this was written by the Psalmist the whole of the Old Testament was not yet complete. Some portions of the Scriptures were written later. But the point of the Psalmist here is that the godly, happy person delights in the Word of God. He finds pleasure in God’s word. In Psalm 119 it says that the Psalmist David, used the words law, commands, statues and precepts concerning the Word of God. And he mentions the word delight many times. In other words the godly, happy person takes pleasure in the Word of God. He enjoys the Word of God.
Geoffrey Bingham wrote a book entitled “Sweeter than honey, more precious than gold.” He got the title from Psalm 19:10, “more to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold, sweeter than honey and the honeycomb”. May be like the Manuka honey from New Zealand- so delicious and healthy.
C.S. Lewis points out: “The Law’s beauty, sweetness, or preciousness, arose from the contrast of the surrounding paganism, we may soon find occasion to recover it. Christians increasingly live on a spiritual island.” (From his book ‘Sweeter than Honey….’)
He enjoys the Word of God. It is not a burden to read, but a delight. He finds pleasure in the Word of God. Do you find enjoyment in the Word of God? Not really….that is why your Bible is gathering dust on your table or bookshelves.
How do we know that this godly happy Psalmist enjoys the law? He meditates on the Word of God. Because he meditates in the law of God day and night. The Hebrew word for it is “hagah.” Its basic meaning in English, “to murmur” or “mutter.” Perhaps like the sound of some animals referred to in Isa. 31:4; 38:14. The lion roars, etc. They make a little bit of noise, they murmur. The good word for that is “ponder”. Since the Bible, in part or as a whole, was not generally available to God’s people in the old days, they memorised and “pondered” the Word of God. Psalm 119:11 says “Your word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The godly, happy person meditates, murmurs, ponder the Word of God. Do you enjoy the Word of God? His Word is His gift of grace to us. You will find pleasure in His presence as you meditate on His Word. All by grace and by grace alone and I really mean it.