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Consistently Trust God

(Reading Acts 28:1-16)

Let us thank God and take courage like the Apostle Paul. Acts 28:15 says “At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged.” Remember he was in prison for two years, he was exhausted and tired in his travel because there was a shipwreck. Now he was so excited to see the brethren who welcomed him. He was thankful and encouraged. Even though he had to face Caesar’s court. This example in Paul’s life provides for us a pattern to be thankful and to be courageous in the coming years.

Our reading gives us a picture of the significant moments in the life of the apostle Paul. Paul’s life since he met Jesus on the way to Damascus, was a life of service-with a combination of both success and failures. Paul’s life was not a perfect life.

There were times and experiences in his life that could have caused him to go into deep discouragement and perhaps depression. Some questioned his apostleship. In fact, in the books of Acts we have a record that he was imprisoned for two years. Then further imprisonment in Rome.

And on the way to Rome - to become Caesar’s prisoner - it was a difficult journey from Caesarea to Rome. We can be sure that Paul was tired, exhausted in his body and no doubt sometimes he had a troubled mind, just like any normal human being.

But let me encourage you as we proceed. In those moments of uncertainty Paul was consistently trusting God.

We read in Acts 28, when the believers in Rome heard of Paul’ approaching, they immediately went to meet him. Some of these people traveled 33-43 miles.

This example in Paul’s life provides for us a pattern to be thankful and to be courageous in the coming years. God’s blessing. It is all by grace and by grace alone.


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